December Blues

Believe it or not, when you are ‘tied’ up in illness it’s hard to even focus on WHY we celebrate Christmas.

For several years it was difficult to get excited about Christmas and all the holiday activities. What was once a joyful time had become dreadful and sad. It’s hard to get excited about decorating when your joints ache all over, your brain is foggy and your energy is in the tank. I remember thinking “my decorations are in storage, and I just don’t have the energy to climb the ladder to get them.” I felt guilty asking for help so I would wait for someone to offer and then agree to let them, which would hurt my pride. And then there was the dreaded Christmas dinner. What can I eat? Is there anything here I’m able to eat? Why does all this food have to poison me? The ‘joy’ of eating had only been a memory.

After 4 years of eating clean, listening to the Holy Spirit and following the Medical Medium recommendations I can bring healthy dishes to Christmas dinner and feel amazing while eating them. I always feel fueled and full of energy when I get up from the table. I can pass-by the poisonous dishes and feel empowered knowing that my body continues to heal even in the most ‘tempting’ times. Now, I can climb ALL the ladders and pull out ALL the decorations. I can focus on the reason for the season, Jesus! Believe it or not, when you are ‘tied’ up in illness it’s hard to even focus on WHY we celebrate Christmas. Sad, but true. If you’re that ‘blue’ person this year, just know, that it’s ok and that there is hope. This too shall pass. Just keep doing what you’re doing and give your body some time to heal. Next year will be better as long as you push through the hard times and stick to the plan.

I would also like to mention that if you know someone that has chronic illness or just ‘never feels good’ be compassionate and don’t judge. They aren’t lazy or depressed or ungodly, they JUST DON’T FEEL GOOD. Offer some help, or maybe just let them know it’s ok to do nothing and just sit and watch Christmas movies and drink herbal teas. I love being able to do all the things and I look forward to every one of them so don’t give up hope. There is a light at the end of this ‘long’ tunnel. Just keep doing ALL the things and you will notice more and more energy and motivation as the years go by. Be Blessed and have a Very Merry Christmas.


Knowledge is Power