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Healing Trigeminal Neuralgia

“Chiropractic Care lead me to the light when I was in the darkest hole imaginable. No one could give me answers about my excruciating Trigeminal Neuralgia pain. The Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Tulsa team loved me and supported me. They gave me my life back. They lead me to Anthony William (Medical Medium) who is lead by Spirit of Compassion and is, in my opinion, the biggest game changer when it came to my recovery. Through Upper cervical and living a Medical Medium lifestyle I am able to ‘dance in the rain’ once again.”

D. Darling, Tulsa OK


Healing Thyroid Nodules, Chronic Fatigue & More

“Changing my diet was the hardest and the very last thing I did during my illness but it was the ‘thing’ I needed to move the needle in my healing. Knowing what to eliminate from my diet and what to ‘bring in’ was life-changing. As an RN I was conditioned to treat symptoms but when this didn’t do ANYTHING for me I had to seek alternative ways of healing. Anthony William (Medical Medium) in combination with Upper Cervical chiropractic care, essential oils and determination to get well are the ‘things’ that God placed in my life and are the ‘things’ that worked. Growing old doesn’t mean we have to live with symptoms, it’s just another season that we get to enjoy and live to it’s fullest. The beach was not an option for me for several years and now I look forward to our yearly trips and keeping up with the kiddos.”

Laurie West, Porter OK

Healing Hair Loss & Mystery Skin Rashes

I first spoke with Laurie in April 2020. Hair loss was one of my major complaints and I just didn’t have any ‘real’ answers. I started applying the knowledge that she had learned from Anthony William (Medical Medium) and now after 4 months the bald spots are filling in. I had a rash that covered most of my body and was misdiagnosed by my dermatologist for 2 years. I can’t thank Laurie enough for her support, guidance and encouragement during my healing journey and for showing me the important role that food plays in our lives. God has provided everyone the best medicine our bodies will ever need.

L. Francis, Fort Worth TX

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“My migraines stopped and I no longer need thyroid medications.”

When I came to Laurie I had already been on the ‘medical merry-go-round’ and was taking thyroid medication and avoiding foods listed by a food-sensitivity test that had been suggested by my nutritionist. These foods were fruits and vegetables that I didn’t have any ‘obvious’ reactions to after I consumed them. I loved some of these foods but was doing my due diligence not to consume anything on my test.

Laurie and I had very similar stories, She shared her experience with me about her food-sensitivity test and in her experience found that these tests are not accurate. She taught me how healing fruits and vegetables are and also assured me that my thyroid disease was not my body attacking my thyroid, but instead, my body was attacking an invader inside my thyroid.

She made several recommendations, including the 3-6-9 liver cleanse, which really resonated with me and so I jumped in and completed the cleanse. I felt so good that I’ve continued doing the Liver Rescue Morning routine for around 3 years now.

After doing the 3-6-9 Liver cleanse my migraines stopped and I haven’t had one in over 3 years. I also no longer need thyroid medications.

I’m so thankful for Anthony William (Medical Medium) for sharing his knowledge with the world. I’m also thankful for Laurie and her ability to share her journey and knowledge to give others hope for healing. I’m now a true believer that ‘food is medicine’ and I’m currently sharing my knowledge with close family and friends. I want my kids and grandkids to be in their best health as well.

Joelle D., Tulsa OK

Pictured: Joelle on the left and Laurie on the right.

My Uncle Eddie’s recovery

During the pandemic in 2021, some mandates were implemented by the federal government. Eddie was a government employee at the time and he was told he had to receive a new medical treatment or he would lose his job. At the time, he worked as a masonry instructor at a federal prison and wasn’t really concerned about the mandate and just did what he was told to do. He had a history of knee pain before the treatment and he noticed that after the treatment his knee pain was exacerbated. He received another mandated treatment not long after his first treatment and his symptoms worsened again. He had a new onset of breathing problems and was very concerned one day when he was unable to catch his breath. He called his triage nurse and she recommended that he go into the emergency room and be checked out. Upon examination, the medical staff discovered that his lungs were filled with blood clots. They performed surgery and removed the blood clots and Eddie was recovering on schedule and then developed myocarditis. This is when things really took a turn for the worse. After this second procedure to remove the fluid from his heart, his whole body was weak and his knee injury had now affected both his knees and his hip. Life as he knew it came to a complete stop.

Eddie was sent home where he relied on friends and family to come by and check on him, they brought him groceries and lots of take-out meals. He was not mobile except to get to the bathroom and back to his lift chair. This exhausted him and he dreaded having to use the bathroom. I spoke with Eddie on the phone a couple of times and realized that he was in really bad shape and unable to fix his own healing foods. I prayed for a solution and God gave us one.

Eddie is my mom’s brother and after talking to my mom we decided that the only chance Eddie had of ever getting better was to transport him from California to Oklahoma where he could live with us and we could fix him meals that contained healing foods. I also wanted him to have access to upper-cervical treatments needed to re-align his spine so his body could initiate healing. My willing husband traveled to CA and assisted Eddie back to OK, where he would start the healing journey of a lifetime.

The First picture you see is Eddie on his first day in OK. This is his very first taste of celery juice and his first step to healing his whole body. I documented his journey for the next few months. I can honestly say, without a doubt, that God’s medicine prevented Eddie from entering a long-term care facility. We started with his diet and combined it with upper cervical treatments by the awesome work at Upper Cervical Chiropractic of Tulsa. We would ALL pitch in and take turns getting him to UC twice a week and then after a few weeks he lessened his needs to once a week and this continued until he started his journey back home in August of 2022. This is what God was able to accomplish is 4 short months. Woohoo!