My Simple 3 Step Morning Cleanse for Healing.

(As defined by Anthony William, the Medical Medium)

  1. Lemon Water

I start each morning with a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach to hydrate, purify, and revitalize my body each and every morning. Lemon brings water to life and help assist in gentle cleansing to start my day right.


2. Celery Juice

30 minutes after my lemon water, I consume an herbal extraction of celery juice. Celery juice is full of healing benefits and is an important tool for healing from any chronic illness or condition. Can you tell I love my celery juice?


3. Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

Toxic heavy metals can actually ‘feed’ a pathogen! If you have chronic symptoms, of any kind, than a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie would be an excellent choice for you every morning. This is one HUGE dose of God’s medicine every morning! Not everyone is ready for this strong detox tool. Contact me and we can assess your needs before you start on this smoothie.

For more information, read Medical Medium “Cleanse to Heal”