Homemade Potato Chips

Air-fry and Oven baked instructions included

Ever want something crunchy? Boy, I do. I want salty and crunchy. I can’t help it! I like it! I’m kinda fond of potatoes, in case you haven’t noticed, so I keep them around. I love to dip these in my vegan cheese, ranch, guacamole, hummus, or salsa…. my list is big.



4 medium yellow potatoes

1 tbsp avocado oil (optional) I never use oil but it’s totally ok if you do.

salt to taste


For both air-fry and oven baked - Slice the potatoes into thin slices. (I use a mandolin - please use the safety tool) Place them into a bowl with cold water and let it soak for at least 20 minutes.

Remove from water, pat dry with a towel.

Season the potato chips with salt /pepper and oil, if you are using.

Air-Fryer - Place them in an air fryer and cook for 20 minutes at 200°F.

Toss the potato chips, turn up heat to 400°F and cook for about 5 more minutes.

Oven-baked - Place them on parchment or oven rack in 425 degree oven and bake for approx. 15-20 minutes.

NOTE: They will not be as crunchy without the oil but I don’t mind. The longer you let them sit the crunchier they are without the oil. Just say’n.