Why did my body betray me?


Early on in my illness I discovered really fast that when medical doctors don’t have answers they are real quick to blame the patient. “Your body is getting older”, “You’re in early menopause”, “ This is probably genetics”, “You were probably really active and now your body is just tired”. REALLY? Here is one of my favorites “The dark spots on your body is from sunbathing too much when you were younger”. When Modern medicine doesn’t have an answer all fingers point to you. Hindsight being 20/20, I know now, that the finger pointing is a lie from satan and I encourage my clients to start de-programming those lies on our very first visit. Truth is, we did NOTHING to cause our illness. Our world is full of toxicity. We have toxic air, water, and food supply. It’s almost impossible to NOT get ill in this world we survive in. I believe we are programmed from childhood to think we caused our illnesses. I remember my mom saying “I told you to dry your hair before going outside, now you have a cold” or “If you keep eating candy all the time you are going to have diabetes”. When my symptoms started in 2012 I would ask myself repeatedly throughout the day… “what did I do to feel this way?” “Did I do something wrong?” “Did I eat something wrong?”. The questions were endless. I was so confused. And when I decided to seek out a natural practitioner I was told my body was attacking myself. It’s everywhere today, not just western medicine.

I say all that to say this. Be compassionate to yourself. You did NOTHING wrong or evil to cause your illness You are a good person and you deserve to heal. Your body never attacks itself. God created you in HIS perfect image. God Bless!


Finding Joy Again