Finding Joy Again

Early in my journey, I had been receiving ‘upper cervical care’ and in addition to this I started cleaning up my diet. One day, out of nowhere, I felt excited about my day and I wanted to just jump out of my skin. I was anticipating good things and looking forward to things like driving to my appt., going to the grocery store, stopping to get gas etc… It was a weird and unfamiliar feeling. I shared my mood with my chiropractor and she heard the holy spirit tell her ‘joy’. Yes, I had found joy again and never realized that I had lost it. Repairing neurological damage with upper cervical care and repairing my body with whole foods and nutrients and unveiled my dampened mood and senses. My personality had actually became altered. This saddens me but at the same time drives me even harder to help others find themselves again and start living a better life. My mission is to help others become a better version of themselves. woohoo!


Is Everyone’s Body Really Different?


Why did my body betray me?