Is Everyone’s Body Really Different?

Countless times I’ve heard, “well ‘that’ worked for you but everyone’s different and we all heal differently.” or “I eat a high-fat diet because my body just does better, everyone’s different.” This is a HUGE lie that we have been sold and we like it. We like the idea that our bodies are different and that we may have found what works best, but for how long? This usually means that we still get to eat the yummy things that we know are not healing or helping. For instance, bacon, cheese, milk, eggs, and so on and so on. I’ve said this myself throughout the years but here is what I’ve learned and this is CRITICAL! We all have one common factor that works the same in everyone….. our liver! I know, I know….People are sick of me talking about their liver but it’s true and the quicker we learn this truth the quicker we can become a better self. Just like God told me in 2017 through a dream “Heal Your Liver and You will be Transformed”. We ALL need liver healing to some degree. What makes us different are the different degrees of liver damage. For example: Have you had your gallbladder removed? Do you have pancreatic issues? If yes, than you know that your liver is very compromised. Or maybe you feel great but just need a few pounds off or maybe you’re ‘rocking it’ and have no health issues but have a little acne. Well, then you know that your liver just needs a little support. It’s ok to say that you’re working on liver issues and that you have changed your lifestyle a little. It’s ok to ask for a little help and get on the ‘right’ track. Liver healing is the most awesome thing we can do for our entire body. I encourage you to be your best self!


Knowledge is Power


Finding Joy Again